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Honest Coins LI
We are a family/Law Enforcement owned challenge coin design company.
We went into business so our brothers and sisters in blue had someone they could trust to get something memorable made.

Here at HonestCoinsLI promise to bring you the lowest price available.

You will never have to dig deep in your pocket.

We are all about ''keeping the tradition alive.''
Honest Coins LI

Are you a Police Officer, Firefighter, Uniform Services, Nurse, or any other type of first responder? Please email us today and inquire about our first responder discount program. Please include a copy of your ID card.
Oct 10-13, 2024
Big League Dreams Complex LAS VEGAS, NV.
West Coast Championship
June 1 & 2, 2024
Sportsplex USA in San Diego County, Ca.
52nd Annual NPSC- East Coast Championship
Host: Kentucky Blue
June 22-23, 2024
Union County Complex, MARYSVILLE, OHIO
51st Annual NPSC
Show Me Classic
Host: Missouri Lawmen
Aug 9-10, 2024
O'Fallen Family Sports Park ST. LOUIS, MO.
Keepers of the Peace National Police Softball Championship
Host: San Antonio Lawmen
Sept 6-7, 2024
Waxahachie, Texas
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